Fagerhaug International School
The rules shall promote good interaction, good order, good working habits and contribute to a stable and safe operating environment so as to facilitate a good learning and working environment for the students at Fagerhaug International School
- These rules apply to all students at school and are always valid, while the student uses the technology resources
- The rules also apply to the use of FINT technology resources at home (if allowed to bring device home)
Follow-up of the regulations
- The school is obliged to inform the students about the rules governing the use of Fagerhaug ICT resources and the student is obliged to comply with the rules of
- The signature of this regulation is to be understood as a receipt for the agreement being read and
- Violation of the ICT Regulations may result in sanctions under the Rules of Procedure and iPad / PC
Use of ICT Resources
- Â Fagerhaug’s ICT resources will be used for learning purposes to achieve the competence ICT resources should be used in accordance with Fagerhaug’s instructions.
- The student is granted a digital device for learning unless otherwise agreed or loss of device
- It is not allowed to use ICT resources in such a way that it violates copyright laws and
- The ICT resources shall not be used to impose threats, bullying, convey pornographic or racist material, or acts that otherwise conflict with Norwegian
- Users of Fagerhaug’s network shall not attempt to gain access to equipment or resources that the user normally has no access
- Users shall not use private ICT equipment in their learning without a separate
Rights and Responsibilities
- Â The student is required to observe privacy when data is linked to the individual
- Fagerhaug makes logging of all traffic on the Fagerhaug network to properly manage the system, safeguard the security and ensure use in accordance with applicable ICT
- Fagerhaug will only hand out lags when required by the judiciary, through judgments or
- The machines may be required for short periods of lf passible, the student must be notified no later than 3 days before the submission must take place.
- The student should report to the school about abuse, error or other circumstances regarding their
- lf Fagerhaug ICT resources are damaged or they are lost, Fagerhaug may demand the equipment be replaced by the student if this is due to intent or negligence by the
- Com p ensat ion for lost or damaged device will be equal to the equivalent replacement required in order to resume use of equipment for learning
Completion of student relation
Material belonging to Fagerhaug shall be returned. All software, documentation and data owned or loaned by Fagerhaug must be deleted when the device is returned.
Special rules
For special circumstances not covered by this ICT regulation, Fagerhaug has the opportunity to adopt additional rules.